Tour 4 is one of our most popular and sells out every year. If there are seats left this is the time to jump on them! As the season begins its peak this tour offers some of the best chances out there for getting what you came for! Countless tornadoes have been chased down over the years on this tour and at 7 days, your chances are still good while not breaking the bank! Also, this tour is a great option to link with the tour before it for a full two weeks of chasing with us, or go all out and link it to the next tour for a full 18 days of storm chasing insanity giving you some of the best options in the business for success!
7 Chase Days / Nights
Arrival: May 16th Chasing Starts: May 17th Last Chase Day: May 23rd
Base City: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Rate Per Person: $2950.00 ($750.00 for Deposit)
Included: Storm chasing led by experienced guides, guaranteed window seat, instruction and education about severe weather / photography. A digital video download recap including highlights from your tour. An Exclusive Extreme Tornado Tours shirt.